Sunday, November 30, 2008

Dia de Gracias and many things to be grateful for

Hannah and Claire - reunited in Asheville, NC-- it's a small world

Frozen icicles on the trail up to looking glass
Claire and Jason, visiting from Raleigh

Hannah and Chad on Looking Glass Falls

Looking Glass Falls. Alice took use here when we first arrived in Asheville and we swam under the falls-- in the summer of course. It was cool to see it frozen

On top of Looking Glass Rock

Another beautiful day at Rumbling Bald

Thanks giving dinner with friends

My Beautiful cranberry, pear pie

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Fall frenzied fun with friends

Unknown Hinsin at the Gray Eagle on Halloween
Ash berries
Green River race
Hannah and Alice at Sunshine Rapid
Blue Ridge parkway from frying pan mountain tower

Looking Glass Rock on a beautiful fall day!
Appalachian Mountains are amazing-- this was a drive by shot!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Zombie Shamble 2008

Doctor Zombies

Sarah Palin
this couple danced the night away

Sarah Palin was coincidentally speaking in Asheville on the night of the zombie shamble-- they re-routed us so we would not pass by the civic center where she was speaking-- too bad
Hannah and Mike
Estas muerto?

Hannah and Beth

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Max Patch and Franklin

The beginning of our max patch adventure that brought us 5.5 miles to lemon gap without any potential camp sites. Chad, Chris and I ran back (3.5 miles on the road to the car) them picked up Lea and Eric who were waiting with out bags. We then proceeded to hike back up about 1 mile to the base of max patch. As we were setting up camp (about 9pm) another camper came running down the hill asking if he could camp with us for the night as he had been startled by two black bears. Needless to say it was difficult to sleep, however I was able to calm everyone down with my melodies tunes of "oh susanna" on the harmonica!

Rhododendron tunnel on the way to lemon gap

360 degrees of the appalachian mountains, some of the oldest mountains in the whole entire world.

On top of Max Patch after a sleepless night!

Chad and Donny- back from the peace corps in Jamaica

The rainbow trout I caught! It was too small to eat, however another guy caught two and gave them to us to eat for dinner!

Alice filleting tasty rainbow trout

Braids are lovely

Dave and Chad at Three Forks