Tuesday, November 6, 2007

la vida buena

Chad and I moved to Asheville, NC from Alaska in August and are loving just about every minute of it. Contrary to popular belief, North Carolina is beautiful and full of smoky moutains, solar panels, bare foot hippies and wonderful meditation groups. Seriously, though there is a group of people who are trying to convince store owners to remove the "No shirt, no shoes, no service" rule to accommodate the population of people here who apparently don't own shirts or shoes. Our time here has been filled with many adventures to climbing hot spots such as Rumbling Bald, no more than an hour away; Obed in Tennessee , Looking Glass and Linville Gorge. It has been so beautiful here, and by that I mean filled with sunshine and warm weather in the 60's and 70's an amazing and much needed change from overly rainy Juneau. I do miss Juneau and all of it's splendor but spend a week out here and you'll never want to leave. As far as employment, Chad and I are both living the good life in "retirement." I worked temporarily as a counselor and community support staff at a local mental health agency and learned quickly that it was not for me. I am currently in the market for a job in the health care field but also have a second interview at a Chocolate shop tomorrow!! Chad has applied for many jobs and hopes to be employed soon, however not too soon as to interfere with his obsession with climbing (ha ha-- sorry chad). Loving the south and our wonderful "family" here. Much love to everyone.

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